Whitstable Tidings May 2018

A message from the President

I would like to start my message this month by congratulating our Captain Howard and Richard (vice), for a fantastic Casino evening held on the 27th of April. I need to also mention all the members who helped run the tables on the night i.e. Mark Tilbury (Black Jack), Rob Davis (Poker), Andrew Sargent (Roulette table) and Penny and Chris for running shove-halfpenny. The evening was really enjoyed by all those that attended. Keep it up Social committee, more great ideas to come I’m sure.

Wow, what about the weather last Monday the 30th April? Just for those that didn’t know, between the Sunday evening before and the Monday evening we received 46mm of rain! Thanks to work that has been carried out on the course we were open the following day, albeit with the use of pull trolleys but by the Tuesday pm motorised trolleys were being used.

At the time of writing this Tidings, this morning we played a Kent Vets team from Canterbury and their Captain would like me to pass on a message to our green staff to congratulate them on how well the course looked and played. It is really nice to receive such good comments, so well done Steve and Seth. By the way, we beat Canterbury 3 – 2 the second win after only two matches this season. Golf week is looming and the play lists are up, so I encourage you to put your name up especially if you are a new member of our club. It really is a great way of getting to know everyone and become a long standing member in the future. This year there has been some changes to the format of the week, hopefully to make it even more enjoyable.

I would like to finish by reminding you all about Howard’s Captain’s Classic competition which starts on the 26th May. This will be a medal competition (max h/cap of 18), held over two days so after the first day’s play there will be a cut and those players making the cut will play the following day for a new magnificent trophy and prizes. Please see Howard for information on how to enter. Your support for this new event would be appreciated.

That concludes my message for this month, happy golfing and just enjoy.

Bye for now, John

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