Calling all juniors!

Monday 9th April is the first of the junior practise evenings, between 5pm and 6.30pm. They run then on each Monday during B.S.T. If you are 10 years or over, come along and give golf a try! Supervised by experienced golfers with the relevant child protection certificates. There is no fee for the first 3 evenings. We have clubs and […]

Whitstable Tidings January 2018

A message from the President Firstly I would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year, and hope you had an enjoyable Christmas, managing to avoid the dreadful bug that was going around. As you may or may not be aware, I, like many other members try to keep an eye on

Whitstable Tidings December 2017

A message from the President Merry Christmas to you all Since my last message we have had the Captain’s drive in. What a great day Howard and the other Captains had with good weather for the time of year, at least it didn’t rain. Record numbers I think? Thanks go to Howard for organising the singer, great move,

Welcome to the New Captains!

Welcome to the New Captains for the Coming Year (2017/8) Callum Buchanan – Juniors Sue Pout – Ladies Howard Gordon – Club Colin Holton – Old Salts Please support them in the coming year!

Whitstable Tidings November 2017

A message from the President Hello everyone, trust you are all well? Hello again everyone, well we have reached that time of the year where we have a change of Captains from all sections. I would like to start with Gary. What a fantastic year he has had. I am so impressed with Gary’s effort throughout all his

Captains’ Drive In: Sunday 12th November from 1pm

Come and watch the new Captains… Sue Pout Callum Buchanan Colin Holton and Howard Gordon Drive in to start their year of captaincy! The afternoon will also feature local musician Stevie Brown. So come along and support the new Captains!

Wine & Wisdom Evening

Friday 29th September from 7pm Gather together a team and enter into the evening’s fun, pitting your wits against friends and other club members.

Captains Charity Day

Saturday 2nd September Come and support your captain and his charity. Hog roast & salad £5 Music 7pm to 11pm This is one of the last main events of Gary’s year, so come along and enjoy some late summer sunshine!

Summer is here!

Captain’s Day – Saturday 15th July Come and support Gary Morgan the Club Captain 2017 on his golf day and his charity. Golf start sheet will be posted on the notice board in the lobby for members to enter names to play 18 holes. Followed by entertainment (disco) from 3pm and live music from 8pm- 8.45pm and then 9.15pm

Whitstable Tidings June 2017

A message from the President Firstly I would like to thank all those members that have given up their own time to carry out duties at the Caravan, the Kitchen and all the other things that do not do themselves in Golf Week. Wow was that windy! Still we can’t help the weather. At least it’s been